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  Garment industry often struggles to get over the challenge of low productivity and production related delays. The panacea for all such problems lies in strategic and intelligent management of information in real time. Informational insights regarding problems can alleviate production related bottlenecks to a large extent.Implementation of real-time shop floor control system in an IT enabled environment can provide insightful information to users as soon as manufacturing starts. The system finds useful application in production, inventory tracking and control at the shop floor. From the perspective of apparel manufacturing.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology driven real-time shop floor production control system can prove valuable.
  Garment manufacturing shop-floor operations are overseen by managers and industrial engineers. They often suffer from the lack of contemporary technology or reliable tools to capture the production data in real-time. Consequently, efficiency parameters, actual working hours of the employees, downtime data, and bottleneck identification remain a challenge which compromises shop floor visibility. Automated system is used by those companies who realize and appreciate the importance of accurate and real-time data for managing and tracking processes in apparel manufacturing.